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How To Talk With Your Kids About The News


With the recent events in the news about Ukraine and Russia, I wanted to share the link below with you.  This link has suggestions about talking about the news with your children.

I hope this helps and let me know if I can be of any help.



It is GREAT to be back at school for the 2021-2022 school year.    Please let me know if I can help you in any way!


How to Cope With Back-to-School Anxiety

Aug 25, 2016
Katie Hurley, LCSW photoAuthor:

Katie Hurley, LCSW

Every summer, about two weeks before the beginning of school, my phone lights up at an alarming rate. With staggered start dates around the country, the concerns about back-to-school anxiety come in waves and continue through most of the fall. Good news: you’re not alone.

Take a second grade boy, for example. He loved kindergarten. He liked first grade. Just weeks before the first day of second grade, he declared that he had no intention of going to school anymore. At first, his parents thought it was cute and funny. Most kids would choose endless summer over homework and sitting still all day, after all. Within days of this declaration, however, his behavior changed.

He woke up with nightmares almost every night. His appetite decreased. He stopped doing the fun things he normally enjoyed, like running through the sprinkler with his sister and practicing soccer kicks in the yard. He became clingy, he whined a lot and he was irritable more often than not. He was anxious.

Feelings of anxiety are perfectly normal and to be expected during times of transition. While many people think of separation anxiety as a problem confined to toddlers and preschoolers, I also see it in elementary and middle school kids. And back-to-school anxiety can occur clear through high school!

Some kids are more hard-wired for anxious thoughts and feelings than others. While some level of anxiety affects most people, high levels of anxiety can be disruptive to both the child and the whole family.

Know the Signs

Some worries are to be expected. It’s not easy to walk into a new classroom with a new teacher and start from scratch every single year. Watch for these sneaky symptoms of anxiety as the new school year begins:

  • changes in eating habits
  • sleep disturbance
  • clingy behavior
  • meltdowns or tantrums
  • nail biting, hair twirling, skin picking
  • headaches or stomach pains
  • avoiding normal daily activities
  • increased irritability
  • increased crying
  • social isolation

If your child exhibits some of these symptoms for more than two weeks, get an evaluation. Many children can work through back-to-school anxiety independently, but when anxiety interferes with normal daily living, kids need help.

​How to Deal with Back-to-School Anxiety

Consistency and routines are always a great place to start when it comes to squashing those back-to-school worries! Try some of these strategies to help your child ease into the new school year:

Attend school (and be early!). While it’s perfectly normal to have worries when starting a new school year, it’s very important to attend school each day. A huge meltdown might have you wondering if you should simply try another day, but avoidance of school will only increase and reinforce your child’s anxiety. Missing school because of anxiety robs your child of the chance to gain mastery, make friends, enjoy a successful school day and develop a relationship with the teacher.

Get back to basics. It’s very difficult to feel calm, confident and in control when you are starving or exhausted. Anxiety can cause kids to struggle with sleep and eat a little less. This means that parents have to stay on top of those childhood basics.

Set an earlier bedtime for the entire family, make sure each day includes plenty of downtime, and provide balanced meals and nutritious snacks with plenty of time to eat. Eating on the run is stressful for kids.

Allow extra time in the mornings. Anxious children don’t like to be late, nor do they enjoy being rushed. Now that you’ve pushed that bedtime up, your child should be able to wake with plenty of time to eat, get dressed and get ready for the day.

Create healthy nighttime routines to make the mornings easier. Choosing clothes at night, packing snacks and filling water bottles and packing the backpack and placing it by the door are all time savers for anxious kids.

Avoid blanket statements. When kids express worries about school, it’s tempting to respond with generic statements such as, “Don’t worry about it!” or “You’ll love it!” These statements rarely provide reassurance for worriers. A better tactic is to address specific worries with your child.

When parents take the time to listen and help children come up with strategies to solve problems, kids feel more confident. If your child is worried about where to sit at lunch, for example, have him draw a map of the lunchroom and discuss possibilities.

Role-play. The best way to gain mastery over worries is to practice taking control of worrisome situations. Have your child create a list of school-related worries and act out different ways to solve the problems. I like to have kids try out two or three solutions per problem so that they always have a back-up plan.

Watch your words. Kids look to their parents for clues. If you appear overwhelmed and anxious on the first day of school, your child is likely to follow your lead.

It’s perfectly natural for parents to have worries at the beginning of the school year. Instead of hyper-focusing on the potential negatives or faking it, take the time to talk about feelings and worries as a family. When families work through their feelings together, they empower one another.

Back-to-school anxiety can be stressful for families. More often than not, the anxiety decreases as the child adjusts to the new school year. If the anxiety persists, seek help. It’s far better to learn to manage anxious feelings than to suffer in silence and struggle through the school year.

Katie Hurley, LCSW photoAuthor:

Katie Hurley, LCSW, is a child and adolescent psychotherapist, parenting expert, and writer. She is the founder of “Girls Can!” empowerment groups for girls between ages 5-11. Hurley is the author of No More Mean Girls and The Happy Kid Handbook, and her work can be found in The Washington Post, Psychology Today, and US News and World Report.




What is Red Ribbon Week?

Red Ribbon Week is an ideal way for people and communities to unite and talk with children about the dangers of drugs while taking a visible stand against drugs. We have decided to integrate Kindness into our Red Ribbon Week as well. Kindness is always COOL!




Dress Up Days to show your Drug-Free pride!


Monday (October 26) –––Give smoking and vaping the BOOT! Kick off Red Ribbon Week by wearing BOOTS to show that you love yourself by choosing to NEVER SMOKE or VAPE.  Students will be given a bracelet with the slogan, “BEE Safe, BEE Kind, BEE Drug Free.”




Tuesday (October 27) –Lei off DRUGS …they are a JOKE! Laughter is way better than DRUGS!! Students can wear a Hawaiian Lei and will be given time to share a joke with their classmates    in class today if they choose to. There will be a drawing in each classroom for a free SONIC  coupon!




Wednesday (October 28) Sock if to Drugs! Wear wacky socks or mismatch socks. There will be a   drawing in each classroom for a free Chic-fil-a coupon! The students will be given a Ribbon  with the slogan, “BEE Safe, BEE Kind, BEE Drug Free.”




Thursday (October 29) – DRUGS are Scary!   Wear a Halloween shirt or Halloween Colors (No costumes, please).   Students will be given a sticker with a KINDNESS message on it! Teachers will choose some video clips from the website below to share with the class. spots                                                         


Friday (October 30) Team Up Against Drugs Day! Wear Rebel Wear or other team shirt.




*Coordinated School Health will share their “Tobacco Trunk” with Ms. Beckie for Red Ribbon Week….ask your child about “Mr. Gross Mouth” and “Hairy Scary Tongue.”


Reminder…there is a “Parent Tip of the Day” on our school website provided by Beckie Smith, School Counselor.





Click the word "Links" above to go to Ms. Beckie's Bitmoji Website.

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Pre-K, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grade Assignment on Personal Safety.........


(No Grades Taken....This is for Educational Purposes Only)


Assignment: Watch all of the ”NetsmartzKids” video lessons on personal safety by September 18.


Click Link below to access the videos:



For older kids, you may want to watch the videos for Teens at:


Please discuss these videos with your children. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

























Dear Parents, 

In regard to the Corona Virus (Covid-19) spread, they say things will probably get worse before they get any better.

That is why we have decided that we will do everything in our power to help you help those you care for.

We will do this by helping you inspire the resilience, coping, and acceptance skills that we are all going to need in this turbulent time with the 'The Crisis Kit’.

It's a free, downloadable PDF containing five of the most relevant, science-based positive psychology tools.

Upon clicking the link, you will find the following tools:

  • Eye of the Hurricane Meditation (+ audio)
  • Dealing With Uncontrollable Circumstances
  • The Unwanted Guest
  • Window of Tolerance
  • My Resilience Plan (The Four S’s)

These are some of the best tools we know of for helping people to:

  • use their mental resources well
  • connect to a place of inner peace
  • become aware of factors within and beyond personal control
  • practice acceptance-based coping
  • remain calm and composed in the face of stress

My hope is that you will download and read this PDF and find more ways to be of help to those you care about.

You may find something in it for your own peace of mind.

'The Unwanted Guest' tool, for example, has been of great help to me in dealing with intrusive 'unwanted' thoughts.

I hope you and your family stay safe.



Beckie Smith

School Counselor

Back-to-School Tips

Connecting with Your Child’s School Counselor for a Successful School Year

Understand the expertise and responsibilities of your child’s school counselor. School counselors make a measurable impact in every student’s life, assisting with academic, career and personal/social development. Professional school counselors are trained in both educating and counseling, allowing them to function as a facilitator between parents, teachers and the student in matters concerning the student’s goals, abilities and any areas needing improvement. School counselors provide services not only to students in need, but to all students.

Meet or contact your child’s school counselor at least three times per school year. The beginning of a school year is an excellent opportunity to initiate contact with your child’s school counselor and doing so can ensure your child’s positive school experience. Find out who the counselor is and what his or her experience and background are. By communicating with one another at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year, parents and counselors can have a definite impact on a child’s success.

Discuss your child’s challenges and concerns with the school counselor. As a parent, you know your child best. However, the school counselor can help you better understand your child as a student. It’s important to encourage your child’s expression of needs, hopes and frustrations. School counselors are trained to help your children. 

Learn about your child’s school and social connections from the school counselor. When you need information or assistance, your child’s school counselor can help you get in touch with the appropriate school officials; learn about school policies on behavior, attendance, and dress; know the school calendar of important dates and stay connected with the school in many other ways. The school counselor can also help you locate resources in the community when you need them.

Work with the school counselor to identify resources and find solutions to problems. If your child is having a problem at school, it is important to work with your child’s school counselor to find solutions. Discuss resources available within and outside of the school, and get information on how such programs can benefit your child. Your school counselor can be a valuable partner in your child’s education and preparation for life beyond school.

Suggested Web Sites
Kids Health: Going back to school for kids Back to School


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About Mrs. Beckie Smith


Parent Tip of the Day

Procedures, Consequences, and Rewards for Guidance Class

Student Health