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Welcome to the McKenzie Elementary Library!

  Our library is part of our school's rotation classes.  Every class visits the library once a week for 50 minutes.  Our library provides story time, information literacy lessons, pleasure reading, and reference materials.

To access our Destiny Database and view our book collection, click on the following link and then click on
McKenzie Elementary School...  





Library Circulation Procedures

To view McKenzie Elementary School Library Circulation Procedures, click on "Files".  Then click on Circulation Procedures. 


Tumblebooks is a fun webite for books online.  The students can look up A.R. level and point value for books featured on this website.

username: mckenzie
password: books



A.R. Book Finder   This site will help you find A.R. level, quiz number, and points for books.  





 Big Universe

Big Universe allows access to thousands of online books for your child to read!  You have access to Big Universe from your home computer.  Each student's username is his/her lunch number.  Each student's password is rebels.  The group username is tnmsd.  Please use this wonderful resource to enhance your child's reading ability!


Kids Infobits from TEL

World Book Early Learning Encyclopedia

World Book Kid Encyclopedia!


World Book Student Encyclopedia


BOOKS AND AUTHORS - What should I read next??



We Give Books - free online ebooks

Go to to access over 150 free ebooks online.  There is a wonderful selection of books! Happy Reading!!!!






McKenzie Banking Co.& A.R. Savings Program

McKenzie Banking Company is partnering with McKenzie Elementary School to offer an incentive for our Accelerated Reader program.  Any student can open a Rebel Savings account and watch his/her hard earned points turn into $$CASH$$!! 

Rebel Savings Account Details:

* Pays 5 cents per AR point   

 *Pays a higher interest rate than regular savings account 

* 2 withdrawals per year

*Incentives and Prizes

*Parent contributions and deposits accepted anytime


1.  Visit McKenzie Banking Co. to open an account

2.  Items needed to open a Rebel Savings account

a.  Valid drivers license or other photo I.D.

b.  Your child's social security card

c.  Minimum deposit of $1

If you have questions, please call Mckenzie Banking Co. at 731-352-2262 or email Shawna at

A Parent's Guide to Accelerated Reader